
Sunday, December 6, 2009

DAY TWO...........................................

Day two.

Well-A Sunday no SNOW and more people. Everyone who walks in is flabbergasted - "this, in Kutztown." or " I in Soho.." or "so GLAD to see this here" endless positive comments and KIDROBOT has been popular. We look forward to our development at MADE shop. The MAYOR (Sandy Green) even stopped by - she too was quite surprised!

The place for cool.

we rock, so do all of the things we sell and our flabbergasted customers.

DAVE - MADE shop


  1. Good to hear the positive news!

  2. Hey Ron -
    Met a friend of yours from Arrowmount - A Woman begins with a JENNA???? She is in metals?

    and the customers are still droppin jaws.

